At the moment I study Media, product, and Spatial design at SINT LUCAS in Boxtel, which I started in 2016.
During my free time, I like to paint, draw, being in nature, visiting musea and taking photographs.
The best side of me is the fact that I am a positive thinker and I always look on the bright side. The other characteristic of me is that I am a precise worker and have an eye for details. Being very patient is the other characteristic of me, I will keep on trying until it will work out.
At the moment I study Media, product, and Spatial design at SINT LUCAS in Boxtel, which I started in 2016.
During my free time, I like to paint, draw, being in nature, visiting musea and taking photographs.
The best side of me is the fact that I am a positive thinker and I always look on the bright side. The other characteristic of me is that I am a precise worker and have an eye for details. Being very patient is the other characteristic of me, I will keep on trying until it will work out.
The last period of my second year on SINTLUCAS was my favorite. An assignment all about making a children's book. I chose for the book: "Er zit een tijger in mijn tuin" (there is a tiger in the garden).
I chose Nespresso. The concept was about a new kind of coffee bean: Kopi Luwak. This is a very luxury coffee bean that is produced by a feline animal.
With the concept in my mind, I did some research and found out that Nespresso has a new collection for coffee mugs.
I got inspired by a combination of the new coffee mugs and the Nespresso coffee cups.
I am very satisfied with the end results.